Logo design by Thomas Queen

Logo design by Thomas Queen

Science outreach is now basically my day job, but I alos participate in a variety of outreach activities just for fun and my main passion is the podcast I co-created and co-host called Science... sort ofWe began the show in 2009 in Santa Cruz sitting around a table with a microphone plugged into a laptop, and now we've done over 300 episodes, featured all sorts of amazing guests, and are regularly downloaded in every continent (yes, even Antarctica).

You can listen to the show on our website or subscribe via iTunes.

We also created a network of other science podcasts called the Brachiolope Media Network, I heartily recommend listening to all of them.

You can stream one of my recent favorite episodes below:

I also have been a guest, recurring or otherwise, on lots of different, and even non-science, podcasts.

We occasionally do live shows, which are lots of fun! Check our various social media pages to see if there are upcoming shows. If you want us to perform a show near you, let us know via our Contact the Show Page.

A live recording of our show at the Science Club in Washington, DC!


Yes, I'm running away, but I'm furious about it!

Yes, I'm running away, but I'm furious about it!

I was asked to give a webinar based on a conference presentation I gave at AGU's annual meeting in 2017. The presentation presents a sort of fictionalized "what if there really was a Jurassic Park? How would the paleontology community respond to these supposed dino clones?" and goes from there into some broader meditations on science outreach. You can watch the presentation by going to the link here: Dissecting Jurassic Park's Dinos


To better connect with my local community, I volunteered via AAAS to work with the biology teacher at my local high school. It was an amazing experience working with the students in my neighborhood and I talk a bit more about my time with the program here: Connecting with the Community Through the AAAS STEM Volunteer Program

 Guesting on other shows:

Podcasters tend to be a pretty welcoming bunch. I've had the chance to be on a number of other shows and I'm always grateful for the opportunity. Here's a smattering that may not be completely up to date but is hopefully evergreen listening all the same. Interested in having me on your show? Get in touch here!


Here We Are

When comedian Shane Mauss heard how weird sloth pooping habits are, he asked if I would talk about it on his podcast, and I of course said yes.



After giving a short talk for the Wyoming Humanities Council about my childhood love of cyptozoology and what that meant for my faith, I was asked to be on HumaNature podcast, which features "Real stories where humans and our habitat meet". It's a revealing episode, but one I'm proud to share.


Out There

My good friend Willow hosts and produces a podcast about the outdoors, and considering how much time I've spent with her in the wilds she was surprised to learn of my outdoor imposter syndrome. So I wrote and recorded this essay about my internal reluctance juxtaposed against my seeming comfort with the outdoors.



These are episodes that I actually wrote and produced from whole cloth, definitely a challenge given the loose nature of Science... sort of, but I think I rose to the occasion, and I hope you think so too!
